Thursday, August 7, 2008

Why Can't it Stay July Forever

I can't believe it's already August. I'm not feeling the pressure as much as my fellow interns are (because I have two extra weeks of vacation), but I'm still feeling it. I want it to freeze on July 31 forever. (But then I thought of all the Twilight fans, who would be so miserable waiting in-line for midnight to come so they can by the conclusion to the Bella-Edward-Jacob saga, but I am getting off track). Honestly, I am dreading August because it means that I need to get my butt in gear, start making lesson plans, make a plan of attack, and finish reading The Scarlet Letter (which I've been reading all summer). I still don't have very many ideas for it, or for Beowulf, Huck Finn, and everything else. My creative juices stopped flowing once methods ended because I was like a vampire and sucking the ideas/life from you guys. Those were good times, and I wish we were back there, but it's time to do what our UVU/UVSC superior training has prepared us for, and take that giant leap and hope we land on the other side without any broken bones. (I can handle bruises, and cuts, and scrapes because we need some bodily damage coming out of this, right?!)

Good luck to everyone! And just breathe!

p.s. sorry about the horrible Twilight puns, but I just finished reading it and it's fresh on my mind. Which I think might be helpful considering 99.9% of the girls in my class have read it!


RilleneN said...

Broken bones!!! Yikes! I'm hoping I have the mosr uneventfull intern experience possible. True--that probably won't be the case, but I can dream, right?

Breathing--thanks for the reminder. I need to breath a bit more. Oxygen to the brain is a good thing.

Lacking Productivity said...

You are already 8 days into August. Hopefully you'll make it the rest of the way.

Mrs. Gibbons said...

For Beowulf you should think about doing something with the Hero's adventure and all the common elements that go with it. You could show a clip from Star's considered a hero's thingy. I don't know...just a thought. I'm struggling on what to do for it as well...and I am starting to teach it the second week of school. Blah!!!!

RilleneN said...

Ms. Walker--sounds so official and formal, doesn't it. So professional. Way cool!!

Kerri Russell said...

Is it ok to go by Miss. What's the rule/etiquette on that? Good luck next week!