Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Sanity is Slipping Away

OK--so does anyone else feel overwhelmed? I've had a real roller coaster day. Up at 4:30 cause I couldn't sleep. Long faculty meeting. Even longer department meeting. I'm using a grading scale I hate (department policy). I've had my brain crammed full of policies and procedures. Still trying to get my bulletin boards hung on the wall (hubby is bringing drill tomorrow). I can tell now who I'm going to get along with and who I will try to avoid. Yikes!! I'm feeling like all the horror stories are true.



Mrs. Gibbons said...

Oh man!! I'm so sorry. I feel like I haven't had to attend so many meetings in my whole life combined than I have this last week. And oh the long long long department meetings were on Tuesday and Wednesday. We had our first contract day today so we got to work in our classrooms all day. I felt so so busy, but didn't really get a lot accomplished. So much more to do.......never enough time. Keep going. Like Kay says, it's just crossing the line. And about not sure about people to avoid. I don't know either. I would say just be nice and cordial to everyone and hope for the best. Good Luck!!

RilleneN said...

Yes. I just smile and figure out a way to change the subject or leave. To be fair, there are a lot more people I'd rather be around--plenty of fine people work there. And today was better. We had a great district meeting this morning. And even though my mentor ripped my disclosure document, I'm discovering that in the "real" teaching world they do things quite a bit different from what our professors have said. I remember Glenn pounding into our heads that we need to be thorough in our disclosures and policies. My mentor says don't give parents any more info than you have to. I guess it's like the different lesson plan templates, or the differnt emphisises (sp?) when writing objectives. (sigh)

On the bright side, my hubby came to school today and attached my bullitin boards to the wall and helped me mark all my books. He also moved my projector so it is centered on the wall.

Lacking Productivity said...

What did she mean by don't give parents any more info than you have to? I really tried to make my disclosure specific so that I covered my ground...I hope I won't regret it. I think I have gotten a feel for some of the people, but not all...there are definitely some strong personalities that I will have to adjust to...and the meetings...holy freaking cow! There are so many!

Seriously, I am so excited for you will rock all their socks off. You are brilliant and so prepared. I adore you!

RilleneN said...

My mentors take on disclosures is that the more you tell parents the more they twist what you say--so say as little as possible. Kind of flys in the face of what we've been told. So I have to cut out any mention of my extra credit policy, late work policy, and cheating policy. My main fear is that some parent will say--Well, you didn't specify so how are we to know? But what the heck! As long as my mentor backs me up, that will be enough. I wish I could just quit over thinking everything--sheesh!

Thanks for your pep talk Kira. You are like my personal happy fairy. You just sprinkle your happy dust around when ever you're around. You rock!! We all rock!!!!

Kerri Russell said...

You're the most diplomatic person I know. Just fake it! You don't want to burn bridges before they're built. Just think "Tenure"!