Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Brilliant Idea

Keri, Rilenne and I were talking about how we like to not only write our own but, borrow and steal lesson plans. So, we thought that the idea of having a blog for our class would work out great! Hopefully everyone will take advantage of this site. Not only can we share lesson plans, but keep up on where we are in our teaching, teaching experiences, and even good books that we have come across. This is really just a way for us to share ideas, and keep in touch with eachother. In order to make a post each of us will need to know the email address and password. Anyone can change up the layout of the blog. If you come across an awesome website add it to the list. is very user friendly, so if anyone is having trouble with it just let me know and I can give you a tutorial. (But I'm not an expert either.) Welcome!

Love: Melissa

1 comment:

RilleneN said...

I'm excited about this blog!! I had a bit of trouble signing on, but that's just because I'm a dope. Thanks for spending the time to get this up an running Melissa. And thanks for making the cookies too!